Adam Oldmeadow

The most powerful thing that we can do is change. We may feel stuck and unsure at various points of our life. There is nothing wrong with that – it is part of the human experience. It is important that we acknowledge how we feel, where we are at and where we want to be. It is ideal that we express our selves and make choices that support a happy life.

I have struggled at times with this. This is why I created ‘Choose To Change’

I studied Civil Engineering as I like to understand the underpinnings of the world and how things work. This also meant that I started with a somewhat skeptical mind. However I was committed to experimenting and discovering which tools and techniques best helped me. After all, if we always do the same things and think the same way, we are less likely to change.

Over many years I have invested time, money, heart and soul in finding, experiencing and experimenting with the most effective tools for the widest range of circumstances.

Methods such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, and Yin Yoga have helped me to release trauma and trapped emotion which has allowed me to feel more alive and happy. Using these techniques has improved my health, confidence and public speaking.

The science, life lessons and spiritual perspectives I have come across are so amazing, so fascinating, interesting, exciting and inspiring that I have chosen to support others.

I see in-person clients in Melbourne, Australia and also love to connect with people via Zoom.

Thank you for reading 🙂

Adam Oldmeadow