Public Speaking


Effective and enjoyable public speaking requires three things:

1. Being comfortable and confident on stage

2. Skills and experience developed over time

3. A message


In my early years, I avoided public speaking as if my life depended on it.

I tried a few times and it was a disaster. I froze up and couldn’t put more than a few sentences together. People laughed at me in genuine surprise and it was that bad that I couldn’t blame them.

I didn’t want to avoid public speaking for the rest of my life because I knew how important it would be. I knew that it would help me in my career and at large events such as weddings.

Thankfully,  EFT and Matrix Reimprinting assisted me to clear the fear and anxiety that caused me to have total mind-blanks on stage. Now I can stand on stage in front of people, and I speak whenever I can to develop my skills.

Adam Speaking

Contact me if you would like to be relaxed and confident on stage.